How to Apply?
What is Ragging ?
One or more of any of following intention by any student or group of students on:
- Any act of Indiscipline, Teasing or Handling with Rudeness.
- Any act that Prevents, Disrupts the Regular Academic Activity.
- Any activity which is likely to cause Annoyance, hardship, Psychological Harm or creates Fear or Apprehension.
- Any Act of Financial Extortion or Forceful Expenditure.
- Any Act of Physical Abuse causing Assault, Harm or danger to Health.
- Any Act of abuse by spoken words, emails, SMS or public insult etc.
- Any Act of injury or infringement of the fundamental right to the human dignity.
- Any Act of Wrongful Confinement, Kidnapping, molesting or committing unnatural offences, use of criminal forces, trespass or intimidation.
- Any unlawful assembly or conspiracy to ragging.
Prohibition of Ragging
Ragging is a cognizable offense under the law and the punishment to be meted out has to be exemplary and justifiably harsh to act as a deterrent. Any student or Group of Students found guilty of “Ragging” in the Campus or Hostels or College Buses or even outside the Campus shall be liable for one or more of the following Punishment:

HCOP has constituted anti-ragging committee. Ragging in any way is banned as per the AICTE Regulations dated 01.07.2009 and UGC Regulations dated 7.06.2009 and Directions of the Honorable Supreme Court of India.
- Suspension from Attending Classes and Academic Privileges.
- Suspension or Expulsion from Hostels/College Bus.
- Debarring from Appearing in any Seasonal Test/University Examination.
- F.I.R. against the Concerned Student or Group of Students.
- Fine up-to Rs. 25,000/- to the Concerned Student of Group of students.
- Withdrawing Scholarship and other Benefits
- Rustication from the Institution for a period of One to Four Semesters.
- Expulsion from the Institution and also Debarring from Admission to any other Institution through University.
- Entry in the Character/Transfer Certificates regarding the Punishment given for any Act of “Ragging”.
- Collective punishment may be imposed where involved persons are not identified.
Measures for Curbing Ragging
- Every student shall submit, at the time of admission and at the time of re-registration for 2nd/3rd/ 4th year two Affidavits on Rs. 10.00 stamp paper each, duly notarized, one signed by the student and the other signed by the parent. Draft of the Affidavits required are given at:- Annexure I – By the student • Annexure II – By the parent
- A student shall not be admitted or re-registered unless and until the Affidavits mentioned in Rule 1 are submitted.
- Every student, at the time of admission/re-registration will be supplied Anti-Ragging Regulations of the Institute.
- The Institute Authorities shall take necessary steps to sensitize students, parents, authorities about the gravity of ragging. This may be done with the help of audio-visuals, electronic and print mediums. Posters, banners and pamphlets highlighting the menace of ragging and its serious consequences shall be pasted on conspicuous places in the Institute.
- In addition to Regulations, Institute will also provide instructions on whom to contact in case of incidence or attempt at ragging. This would include contact mobile numbers of Anti-Ragging Committees, Anti-Ragging Squad, Anti-Ragging Helpline, and relevant State, District and police authorities. The contact details are as follows:
National Anti-Ragging Helpline
Other than the institutional level help, the student(s) in distress due to ragging related incident can call the National Ragging Helpline 1800-180-5522 (24 X 7 Toll Free) or email the anti ragging helpline at or lodge complaint on